Audix OM 2

Audix as a quality microphone manufacturer has been around for a while. The company was founded in 1984, and since then have been building quality microphones. All mics are made in the USA. There are a variety of artists using Audix mics, thes include such stellar artists as Alanis Morissette, Willie Nelson, Blue Man Group, Pearl Jam and the Smashing Pumpkins.  There are a lot of people out there who have not heard of Audix or have never used one. Shure has a large potion of the microphone market and most people expect to see a Shure product on stage. But when they are presented with an Audix mic they will be pleasantly surprised. I was use to using Shure mics when I was hand an Audix mic to try. And I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the mic and the quality of the sound that came out of the unit. I know that Shure mics are an industry standard but you really should try them out. The one I am reviewing is the Audix OM 2. This mic feels nice and solid in your hand and feels well balanced. It has that nice solid feeling of reliability. In use the signal seems to be hotter than the Shure SM 58. To my ears it also sounds cleaner. In an comparison test with a Shure SM 58 you can hear the difference. the SM 58 is slightly more boomy than the OM 2. Mixing with the OM 2 it is easier to place the vocal sound in the mix, this did make my job easier. When yoou compare the two microphones you should take in to acount that the SM 58 is old technology and the Audix represents the new. I prefer using Audix mics but it is a case, a lot of the times, of personal preference. So you should at leasrt give them a go.

I rate this mic an 8/10

Audix OM 2

Audix OM 2

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